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Hard Ferrite

TIME:2024-05-28 Bromag Visits:

Ferrite magnets,
also known as ceramic magnets, are a type of permanent magnet made from iron oxide (Fe2O3) combined with other metallic elements, typically strontium or barium. They are the most widely used type of permanent magnets due to their low cost, high magnetic strength, and resistance to corrosion.
Ferrite magnets have a high coercivity, meaning they are difficult to demagnetize once magnetized. They are brittle and can break easily, so they are often coated or plated to protect them from chipping or shattering.
These magnets find applications in various industries, including automotive, electronics, telecommunications, and manufacturing. They are commonly used in speakers, magnetic separators, motors, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, among other devices.

Ferrite Characteristic Distribution Diagram

Material Grade Br Residual Flux Density Coercive Force Intrinsic Coercive Force Max Energy Product
  mT Gs KA/m  Oe KA/m Oe Kj/m3 MGOe
BM10T 210-240 2100-2400 127-159 1600-2000 211-279 2650-3500 6.4-9.5 0.8-1.2
BM20J 245-290 2450-2900 151-191 1900-2400 239-279 3000-3500 10.3-16.7 1.3-2.1
BM20 350-370 3500-3700 135-167 1700-2100 140-171 1750-2150 22.3-27.1 2.8-3.4
BM25 380-400 3800-4000 143-175 1800-2200 147-179 1850-2250 25.5-29.6 3.2-3.7
BM30 390-410 3900-4100 175-207 2200-2600 179-211 2250-2650 27.1-31.2 3.4-3.9
BM33H 390-410 3900-4100 239-271 3000-3400 243-275 3050-3450 27.1-31.2 3.4-3.9
BM34H 370-390 3700-3900 263-291 3300-3650 307-330 3850-4150 24.7-28.7 3.1-3.6
BM3845 370-390 3700-3900 263-299 3300-3750 342-378 4300-4750 25.5-28.7 3.2-3.6
BM3850 370-390 3700-3900 267-303 3350-3800 382-406 4800-5100 25.5-28.7 3.2-3.6
BM4036 395-415 3950-4150 263-291 3300-3650 279-303 3500-3800 28.7-31.8 3.6-4.0
BM4040 390-410 3900-4100 271-295 3400-3700 307-326 3850-4100 28.7-31.8 3.6-4.0
BM4129 400-420 4000-4200 215-239 2700-3000 219-243 2750-3050 29.6-32.8 3.7-4.1
BM4229 415-435 4150-4350 215-239 2700-3000 219-243 2750-3050 30.3-33.4 3.8-4.2
BM4240 410-430 4100-4300 283-307 3550-3850 307-330 3850-4150 31.2-35.2 3.9-4.4
BM4433 430-450 4300-4500 247-271 3100-3400 251-275 3150-3450 33.4-36.6 4.2-4.6
BM4045 390-410 3900-4100 287-310 3600-3900 358-382 4500-4800 28.7-31.8 3.6-4.0
BM4350 420-440 4200-4400 294-326 3700-4100 386-410 4850-5150 33.4-36.6 4.2-4.6
BM4545 440-460 4400-4600 318-350 4000-4400 347-370 4350-4650 36.6-39.8 4.6-5.0
BM4636 450-470 4500-4700 255-279 3200-3500 275-299 3450-3750 38.3-41.5 4.8-5.2
BM4550 440-460 4400-4600 303-334 3800-4200 374-406 4700-5100 35.9-39.1 4.5-4.9