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Smco Magnet

TIME:2024-05-29 Bromag Visits:

As the second generation of rare earth permanent magnet, Samarium cobalt permanent magnet is mainly made of metal samarium (Sm), cobalt (Co), copper(Cu), iron (Fe), Zirconium(Zr) and other elements. It can be divided into 1:5 and 2:17 according to material structure. It can be divided into high (BH)max SmCo, low temperature coefficient (-0.008% / ℃ : 20 ~ 200℃) SmCo and high temperature resistance (500℃) SmCo according to the performance characteristics. Due to its high magnetic properties, good temperature stability and corrosion resistance, Samarium cobalt permanent magnet is widely used in the automotive industry, energy-saving electrical, communications and other fields.